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[ecko_quote source="1 Samuel 17:47"]For the battle is the Lord’s[/ecko_quote]


One day a soldier, charged with fleeing from the enemy was brought before Alexander the Great. Alexander the Great asked him “what’s your name?” Dropping his head, he replied, “Alexander”. Alexander the Great grabbed him by the shoulders and said, “Soldier, change your conduct or change your name!

Likewise, we have been called “Christians” it means Christ is living in us. However, sometimes our behaviour and activities are appalling. We are not even worthy to be called by our own names nor worthy enough to have our title “Christian”. There is a Wise saying “tell me your friend name I will tell your character”.

Dear ones, you have been called to live a life worthy of the One whose name you carry. Regardless of whether the giant you face is addiction, resentment, fear, lust, pride, envy or anger, you must realise that you are not unique. Your temptations are no different from what others experience (I Corinthians 10:13). Goliath was not always a giant; he was fed and nurtured until he became one. Our giants are usually little sins. We overlook and indulge until those little sins assume a life of their own and come back to haunt us.

Further, you cannot do it alone. You giant will defeat you anytime if you tackle him with your own strength. David told Goliath, “This is the Lord’s battle, and He will give you to us” (1 Samuel 17:47). You need divine help to overcome old habits and establish new behaviours. So, declare with Paul, “Christ … gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13).

Finally, you must confront your giant 'head- on'. The Bible says “As Goliath moved closer to attack, David quickly ran to meet him. (I Samuel 17:48). Don’t run away, don’t try to negotiate, don’t compromise and don’t excuse. Force your giant out into the light and don’t ever let him back into your life. Establish boundaries and make yourself accountable. Stay out of the wrong company. Above all, don’t look at God in the light of your giant, look at your giant in the light of God.

What's Next?

The point to remember in today’s verse is that the battle is the Lord's. Regardless of what He does to get the victory, it is always He who gets the victory. This is true today and forever. God promises to shield us under His wings. He promises to walk through the dark times with us and to strengthen us in times of trial. In every battle that we go through, it is the Lord who must be at the head of the battle so that He takes the full force of the opposing wind; otherwise, we will be wiped out and defeated.

Challenge: What are you facing today? Choose to stand under the protection of God and let Him take over the situation. Believe that He has the answer.

Source: Jonah Ravinder, UEC Ministries; Bob and Debby Gass- Daily Devotional


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