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[ecko_quote source="1 John 1:7"]But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.[/ecko_quote]


Imagine yourself getting ready to sleep. You do your usual things - wash your face, brush your teeth, put on some moisturiser perhaps, switch on your heater, and lastly, switch off your lights. You were able to see everything very clearly until you carried out that very last step - switching off the lights. Now, your room would be filled with darkness. For a few minutes, all you can see is the thickness of darkness covering almost every inch of your room. If you've got your window blinds open, you might see some moonlight fill parts of your room. But for the most part, it's dark. It's very dark.

Let's say; you continue to stare into this darkness for a minute or so. You try to figure out roughly where things are in your room. Now an ordinary person sleeping at nights won't get up to these things, but when you don't feel so sleepy, I'm sure some of us have tried this. You realise that after a while, your eyes can figure out bigger things like where your table is, where your bookshelf is and so on. Let's say you do that for a few more minutes. You start to see smaller things like your stationery on your table, your clothes hanged on your clothes rack and so on.

Do you realise what your amazing God given eyes are doing here? They are adjusting to the light levels of your environment. It's known as "adaptation". "The eye takes approximately 20–30 minutes to fully adapt from bright sunlight to complete darkness and become ten thousand to one million times more sensitive than at full daylight" (Source). Likewise, in our Christian life, we have been gifted with the Spirit of God who leads us into eternal truth - closer to our Father in Heaven. But when He tells us things, it's at our discretion whether to listen and/or obey.

A lot of times, we stop listening to the Spirit of God in particular areas of our lives. The still small voice inside of us starts to become weaker as we continue in our disobedience. In due time, we begin to walk in darkness and fail to differentiate what it is like walking in the light of God. It's indifferent to us, and we are no longer sensitive to the light we once experienced.

What's next?

Ask God if there are areas in your life where you feel like you are walking in the light but you are actually in the darkness! You are failing to differentiate light from darkness. This often happens when we continue in darkness for so long that we are not longer sensitive to the light - the Spirit of God. Allow the Spirit of God to bring you into the light so you can have real fellowship with God.

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