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Bible Meditation

[ecko_quote source="Matthew 10:39"]He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for My sake shall find it[/ecko_quote]

Devotional Thought

We have nothing that God needs. Think about that. If I were to give God my riches, I couldn’t make Him richer. He owns everything. If I were to give God my wisdom, I wouldn’t make Him wiser. He is the all-wise God. If I were to give God my power, I couldn’t make God more powerful. He is omnipotent.

God wants only one thing from His children—our hearts. Proverbs 23:26, "My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways." Isn't that a strange request? God is using the words "Give me.'' Usually, we are the ones who say, "Give me,"' and now the table is turned. That is not the creature saying to the Creator, "Give me,'' but rather the Creator saying to the creature, "Give me.'' The great Benefactor becomes the petitioner. The great Giver becomes the receiver.

The Landlord becomes the tenant. The Provider becomes the beggar. The Satisfied becomes the seeker. The Door seeks entrance. The Living Water thirsts. The Bread of Life is hungry. The Prince of Peace fights to get you. God wants your heart. Not for His benefit but for our prosperity for both spiritual, mental and physical (3 John 1:2).

Why does God want our hearts? There is only one possible reason: He loves us! There is nothing that He needs that we have apart from our love. He simply seeks after our love. That is why He made us. He wanted somebody to love Him and to fellowship with Him voluntarily. It seems so strange that we should not gladly accept this offer when the great omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent God wants our hearts.

It is so necessary that the Christian give his heart to God first. To give wealth without giving the heart is an abomination. To pray without giving the heart is a mockery. To sing without giving the heart is a sounding brass and tinkling cymbal. To work without giving the heart is an insult. To teach without giving the heart is ignorance. To preach without giving the heart is hypocrisy. To serve without giving the heart is fraud. To witness without giving the heart is perjury.

Action Point

God is saying to you today, “Give Me your heart.” How will you respond? He has a right to my heart, and He has a right to your heart, for He gave His heart to us. When He died on the cross, a soldier pierced His side, and the Bible says there came forth blood and water. Doctors tell us that this means the heart had ruptured. He died of a broken heart. He gave you His heart; He wants yours. He says to you today, "Give me thy heart.'' The happy Christian responds in the affirmative.

[Image Source:]

Pastor Jonah Ravinder- United Telugu Church- Auckland, New Zealand; Pastor Jack Hyles

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