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Fear or Faith?

Author: UEC Team
Date: June 26, 2017

Bible Meditation

[ecko_quote source=" Matthew 14:29-30"]So, Jesus said, “Come.” And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!”[/ecko_quote]

Devotional Thought

Many believers will go through life missing divine opportunities because they are afraid to live as God intends. Fear can paralyze us into inaction- then our life fills with lost chances to serve, minister, or see the Lord’s work up close. Consider the 11 disciples who stayed in the boat when Peter got out and walked to Jesus. How many time must each man have regretted choosing safety over the intense joy of stepping on water next to the Son of God?

But Andrew, John, and others missed their opportunity. Unfortunately, many Christians stay in the boat all their lives. At the end, these same folks probably wonder why their lives seemed empty.

We easily succumb to fear’s potency when we attempt to endure trouble in our own strength. We weren’t created to live in such a way. God designed us to function best when we allow Jesus Christ’s divine power to supplant our weakness. As He stood on the surface of the Sea of Galilee, Peter looked around at the fierce wind and remembered that no human can walk on water. His own strength was inadequate to keep him afloat, and he quickly sank. Jesus’ greater power was sufficient to lift Peter from the sea and carry them both safely to the boat.

Fear can paralyze the believer and consequently freeze the Lord’s plan. But responding with faith to God’s directions unleashes divine power and sets His work in motion. The moment that we step out of the boat and move away from the familiar boundaries of our limited strength, we walk by faith.


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