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Don’t settle for a burger!

Author: UEC Team
Date: September 27, 2016


[ecko_quote source=" Jeremiah 33:3"]Call to Me, and I will answer you, and I will show you great and mighty things, which you do not know[/ecko_quote]


In today's society, fast food is making billions of dollars. Some of the popular slogans include, "Have it your way" and "Have it hot and Have it now". How easy it is for us to fall into this 'fast food mentality'? It's at a stage where we are very much defined by it.

But in God's kingdom, there's no fast food. We can't always have it our way and have it now. When we are caught up in this fast food mentality, we lose the true meaning of patience. True patience is the ability to wait on the Lord through the trials without complaining and worrying; it is to be tested and to persevere through trials that come our way.

Have you prayed fervently and waited patiently with no manifestation? Are you tired of seeing nothing move in your life? Are you at the point of giving it all up? Perhaps you have not waited in the right way? This would take you out of the right place - the place where He can meet you.

The Word of God says, “With patience wait” (Roman 8:25). Patience takes away worry. He said, He would come, and His promise is equal to His presence. Patience takes away your weeping. Why feel sad and disappointed? He knows your needs better than you do. His purpose in waiting is to bring more glory out of it all. Patience takes away self-works. The work He desires is that you “believe” (John 6:29) and when you believe, you may then know that all is well. Patience takes away all the wants. Your desire for the things you wish is perhaps stronger than your desire for the will of God to be fulfilled in its arrival.

We need to be patiently waiting on the Lord to answer us in a new way! We cannot shortcut the things of God. If we want a deeper anointing of the Spirit in our lives, we need to avoid this fast food mentality. We cannot have a deeper walk with the Lord without spending time in His Word, in intimate prayer, in repentance and humility, and practising a life of holiness. Is this a tall order? Yes, but when we are focused on God and patiently waiting on Him to answer - He will bring it to pass. He is preparing a blessing beyond our imagination. You can count on it.

What's next?

Friend, let's not settle for hamburger, fries and coke - when the Lord has a delicious, heavenly feast prepared for us all.

References: George Whitten


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