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Don't let "it" pound!

Author: UEC Team
Date: July 20, 2016


[ecko_quote source=" Philippians 4:6"]Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God[/ecko_quote]


In this present generation, people are anxious about many things, and they have been greatly disturbed and troubled in their hearts. Anxiousness is the first symptom of impatience. If people continue at it, they will end up in the second stage, and that would be the state of “worry”. If this continues for a long, they would be disheartened and enter into “depression”. Depression is almost the final stage before people end their lives by suicide or mentally incapable of doing anything. We can easily identify these people by simply looking at their faces or listening to their conversation.

The above is the description of the problem but Glory to God we have the Word of God with us. The answer is very simple if we take what the Word of God says. We make our position difficult by adding our knowledge to the issues. But our heavenly Father says, receive it with a childlike faith.” Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3). The word states " be anxious for nothing, but everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your problem to God". Therefore, prayer is the solution to our problems of anxiousness, worry and depression. Prayer is our greatest Christian privilege, but we may as well admit it is our greatest Christian failure. Because we won’t pray and wait for the response from our Father.

William Ewart Gladstone ( Former British Prime Minister - elected four times), on being questioned for the secret of the unusual serenity (calmness) he was able to maintain in spite of situational stresses, replied “ At the foot of my bed, where I can see it on retiring and on arising in the morning, are the words, “ You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You” (Isaiah 26:3)

Therefore, my dear saints, prayer is a powerful and effectual worry-caretaker. Men and women who have learned to pray with childlike sincerity, literally talking to, and communing with the Heavenly Father, are in possession of a great secret whereby they can cast their care upon God, knowing that He careth for them (1 Peter 5:7). A clear conscience is a significant step toward barricading the mind against neuroticism (negative emotional state). Once we hand over our problems into our heavenly Father’s hand, our job is done. It would be time for Him to step into the picture to take care of things.

What's next?

Obey the word and follow it - It will work no doubt about it. Jesus himself challenged us “So why do you worry about these things...for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things (job, visa, settlement and finances, children future, etc..) - Matthew 6:25-32

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